Venue, Travel, Visa print


The Symposium will be held in the main building of the P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Address of the venue: Leninskiy prospect 53, Moscow 119991, Moscow, Russia

The LPI is located at a short distance from the center of Moscow and the Kremlin (within 20 minutes by public transportation) on one of the main radial avenues which starts from the center of Moscow and leads to the south of the city.

Travel information

Moscow is conveniently connected with several international airports such as Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, which are within 40-45 minutes from the center of Moscow.

There are two main options to get from the airport to the city: by taxi or by express electric train (aeroexpress).

See "Travel information" for more details. 

Visa information

Citizens of the following countries can enter Russian Federation without any visa: 

1. CIS countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) 
2. Argentina 
3. Bolivia 
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina 
5. Brazil 
6. Chile 
7. Cuba 
8. Ecuador 
9. Guatemala 
10. Izrael 
11. Columbia 
12. Macedonia 
13. Montenegro 
14. Nicaragua 
15. Peru 
16. Serbia 
17. South Korea 
18. Thailand 
19. Venezuela 
20. Uruguay 

Citizens of other countries, to participate in the Symposium, should have a Russian visa of one of the following types: tourist, humanitarian or business. 

To get a tourist visa you can apply directly to one of the recommended hotels (see accommodation) while booking a room for staying in Moscow or to a tourist agency in your country or in Russia (e.g., official Symposium travel partner STRADO:, which will help you with visa issuing. 

To receive a humanitarian or business visa you can apply directly to one of the Russian Consulates abroad or to a Russian Visa Centre in your country which could help you to fill in the application form and to prepare other necessary documents among which an official invitation letter is the most important. The standard visa application procedure implies receiving of the official invitation letter issued by the Russian Federal Migration Service in response to a special request of inviting organization (i.e., LPI) or inviting person. This procedure takes about 20-30 days for issuing such an invitation letter by the FMS and several days more for sending the original copy of it to the invited person by express post service (sometimes it is enough to send a copy of it by e-mail). Fortunately, the citizens of the EU, the USA, Japan, China and Iran can take advantage of the so-called simplified visa application procedure which is valid, e.g., for the case of scientists attending the conferences. 

According to the latter procedure, the LPI, as an authorized institution, directly sends to the inviting scientist a copy of a special invitation letter (in Russian), addressed to the appropriate Russian consulate, by e-mail and/or by fax. This facsimile or electronic copy of the invitation letter is sufficient for visa application to the Russian consulate. The rest of the procedure is the same as in the case of the standard one. 

If you prefer to prepare all visa application documents and to apply to the Russian consulate for visa yourself, we could advise you to fill in the visa application form using the on-line service

While filling in your visa application form, use the following information: 

- Name of the Host Organization: P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 

- Address of the Host Organization: Leninskiy prospekt 53, Moscow 119991, Russia 

- TIN of Organization (Taxpayer Identification Number -TIN): 7736037394 

- Directive (telex) number or Invitation Number: here you should put the number of invitation letter issued by the FMS if you follow the standard visa application procedure. The typical format of this number is like this: No. 2Y9023291. In the case of the simplified visa application procedure, please, leave this field blank and do not try to put there the number of the LPI invitation letter (its format is completely different and will be rejected by the computer program). You can fill in it by hand or it will be filled in by the representative of the Russian Consulate when applying to the Consulate. 

Please, do not postpone your visa application procedure!